Object_Id : 252 Title : General SNMP Discovery Node_Type : Production Format : HTML Address : file://projects/necatm/380/src/snmp/general_discovery Keywords : SNMP Discovery Asynchronous Network Discovery MIBIF Abstract : There now exists a general SNMP discovery engine which uses asynchronous SNMP requests. It uses table based rules. In discovery of the CiTR network, synchronous discovery takes 14 minutes, async discovery with a maximum of 25 outstanding requests takes 2 minutes Date_Entry_Created : 25/05/98 Entry_Created_By : symons Date_Entry_Last_Modified: Entry_Last_Modified_By : Asset_Qualification : looks promising Other_Opinions : Contact_Person : Anthony Symons a.symons@citr.com.au IP_or_Copyright_Owner : CiTR Support_re_Ownership : Anthony Symons a.symons@citr.com.au Date_Item_Created : May 1998 Usage_Conditions : Support_re_Usage_Condns : Authors_and_Contributors: Anthony Symons David Horton Raymond Smith Pushkar Piggot Projects_Used_In : NC380 Obtained_From : Derived_From : MIBIF utilities Related_Items : Code_Type : library Programming_Language : C Portations : SunOs 4 Solaris OV SNMP stack 3, 5 CMU SNMP Stack Source_Location : file://projects/necatm/380/src/snmp/general_discovery Binaries_Location : file://projects/necatm/380/src/snmp/general_discovery Issues_Bug_etc_List_Locn: Additional_Info :